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Music lessons with Erica Rosenblum

Music in Bloom

Piano • Voice Ukulele
in person or online

I offer personalized lessons to students in Denver and now anywhere online. I’ve been teaching since 2011 and love sharing musical knowledge and skills with my students. My hope is that all of my students grow their personal love of music and deepen their connection to it as they develop practical and holistic musical skills.


I believe that everyone is innately musical and I strive to empower my students with the fundamental tools to express that part of themselves. Music is an essential part of our human experience, meant for everyone to enjoy and be able to create.


All ages are welcome. I tend to specialize in taking school aged kids from the very introductory beginner concepts through higher level classical and multi genre pieces.


I am particularly accommodating of neurodiversity.


I only use positivity and techniques that enhance intrinsic motivation when encouraging my students. 


Piano Lessons

The lessons are tailored to each individual student but typically include a combination of sight reading, chords, improvisation, song writing, and theory so that people can be able to play the songs they want to play even before they are able to read music.

Many people think that music is hard, complicated, or has to be learned as a child, but I love to teach people of all ages and to break down the complicated concepts and skills in a way that makes music accessible, playable, and enjoyable.

Piano Lessons
Voice Lessons

Voice Lessons

Everyone has a voice and desire to express themselves. Let me help you free your voice through a combined approach to vocal coaching. Relevant techniques and skills such as pitch adjustments, vowel analysis, stylistic guidance, and holistic vocal support help you open your sound and explore your natural instrument to its full potential.

Ukulele Lessons
Ukulele Lessons

Ukulele can be an excellent compliment to voice or piano lessons. It can also stand on its own as a versatile instrument to enjoy playing. These lessons typically involve chord formations, strumming, finger picking patterns and stylistic guidance over multiple genres of songs. The ukulele is a fun, portable, and practical instrument. Learning even the basics will get you ready for the campfire in no time. The ukulele lessons range in concepts and skills. They are typically the least technical and include the basics to get people playing songs to accompany vocals.


About Me


Music has always been an integral part of my life. I initially learned piano to accompany my voice. Growing up, I was always in musicals and voice lessons throughout school and in the summer.


In college I received my elementary education certification as well as my degree in art. During my time at Muhlenberg, I was in an acapella choir and arranged music for the group. I also took some high level music theory courses, piano, and voice lessons. 


Upon moving to Denver in 2012, I gave tours at the DaVinci Machines exhibit for a year and then for four years taught 6th graders earth science and math. I also started their music program and in my final year taught art to the whole middle school as well as an art enrichment program to the elementary students after school. I’ve also more recently taught small groups of preschoolers in a piano playtime program. 


The whole time, starting in college teaching at a lesson center, and all the while in my other roles, I’ve always taught private music lessons. This has been the most natural constant that I feel most passionate about. I enjoy being with students individually and sharing something I love with them. I have traveled and seen a lot of live music. It inspires me to be present with my students as this special knowledge and inspiration grows in them.


I am an experienced and inspired educator, and very good at breaking down concepts for students to understand and apply. Students will often stay with me for several years and grow to love music and become very proficient. With over a decade of experience, I have learned how to tailor my lessons to unique students and make the best use of their time with me. 


I am very empathetic to the modern student, as they have full schedules before they see me for lessons. This is why I incorporate brief mindfulness practices throughout the lessons, such as breathing, guided visualizations, and affirmations so that my students can have focused, grounded, relaxed, and productive music lessons.

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